Our climate targets include changing land use as a direct negative climate impact, caused by former green spaces being built up in such a way that the capacity of the ground to capture carbon is impaired. This choice is supported by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Special Report, Climate Change and Land. Using land in a sustainable way is becoming increasingly important due to its significance for climate change resilience, and for supporting biodiversity locally. The EU taxonomy for sustainable financing also clarifies the importance of these efforts.
Where needed, Bonava will remediate land and render it suitable for building homes. The need for land remediation and the risk of ecological impact is evaluated prior to a decision on investment. Where previously undeveloped land is claimed, the projects are designed to protect biological diversity and other ecological values.
To monitor governance, we analyse the information on sustainable use of land that is central to the entire Group, and we evaluate the procedures for managing risk in our annual evaluation of risks and risk management.
GRI standard for sustainability reporting
Bonava reports annually for GRI indicator 304-4 Red List species and national conservation list species and Bonava indicator Sustainable land use. Bonava also reports G4CRE5: Land degradation, pollution and decontamination.