Good governance is a prerequisite for the best results, and the allocation of responsibilities is clarified with the revised strategy. Expectations with respect to transparency and social responsibility are increasing among all our stakeholders as well, primarily as an effect of generally heightened awareness about the global challenges our world is facing. Another important driving force is the evolution of the digital information society. To be a credible business partner, it is becoming increasingly important that we openly disclose how we are complying with universal principles and contributing to the UN SDGs.
Bonava has identified the following three aspects where our impact is the greatest:
Compliance (including tax)
By training our employees and continually auditing ourselves, we ensure compliance both with our own values and with the principles of all external frameworks we have pledged ourselves to. Good ethics in the business is a prerequisite for gaining confidence in the market, and taking your tax responsibility is an example.
Responsible supply chain management
Long-term perspective and mutual learning in the relationship with suppliers are crucial for our strategy and for achieving several of the targets in our sustainability agenda, especially the climate targets. Using the principles of the UN Global Compact to create tangible requirements and gradually take more direct responsibility for purchasing creates the conditions for Bonava to contribute to many of the UN SDGs.
The demand for relevant and comparable sustainability information increases as the sustainability risks and opportunities become increasingly business-critical. By developing indicators for sustainable development and transparently reporting them, Bonava promotes the development of new ways to measure progress.