Working according to our Code of Conduct is the minimum of what we expect from everyone working for Bonava. If you hear or see something that we do or don’t do that goes against the Code of Conduct, the first option may be to address the topic directly with the involved people. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can use the Bonava’s SpeakUp System that is available for everyone outside and inside of Bonava. The service is provided by an independent company and is designed to protect the identity of everyone that would like to report breaches of our values.
Bonava’s SpeakUp system gives all Bonava’s stakeholders the possibility to report illegal or unethical conduct through an independent third party. Bonava guarantees protection for everyone who calls our attention to possible violations. Bonava Group procedure on reports of misconduct.
How to leave a message
Step 1: Leave a new message via the SpeakUp System
You can choose to leave a (new) message via the SpeakUp phone or web system. The working of both systems is similar and very simple. Whichever system you choose, it is advised to write down your message beforehand; this way you are sure about the information you are about to give and is ensured that your message is comprehensive and to the point.
To use the SpeakUp phone system, please dial the following free phone number:
(+46) (0) 20 798813
To use the SpeakUp web system, please go to:
You will be asked to enter the following access code: 16797
Please select the language in which you would like to leave your message.
Have a pen ready when leaving the message. You will receive a six digit case number, which is randomly generated. It is very important that you write down this case number. This case number will enable you to read or listen to the response from Bonava when you log back in or call back later.
If you use the SpeakUp web system, you can type in or simply copy/paste your message. When you are finished, you can press the ‘send message’ button; a screen with the case number and your message will appear, which can be easily printed out. The SpeakUp web system has the advantage that you can print out your exact message and you can upload documents in the first instance.
What happens in the meantime
The moment you hang up the phone (SpeakUp phone system) or you have sent your message (SpeakUp web system), the service provider People Intouch starts the translation of the message into English (if necessary). If it is a phone message, the recorded sound file will be written down word by word first. The recorded sound file will never be handed over to Bonava
Once the transcription and translation is done, the exact message -both in the original language as in English- will be sent to Bonava’s Group Head of Risk and Compliance. The Group Head of Risk and Compliance will evaluate the message and will send a response to People Intouch.
People Intouch will translate the response if necessary and post it on the SpeakUp web system. For the SpeakUp phone system, People Intouch will translate if necessary and record the response and put it on to the SpeakUp phone system.
Step 2: Return to the SpeakUp System to access the response
Within a week, a response will be ready for you on the SpeakUp system. Please note that you will find your response on the same system where you left your original message. So, if you left your message on the SpeakUp phone system, a response will be ready for you on the phone system; the same applies to the SpeakUp web system.
If you have used the phone system, please dial the following free phone number:
(+46) (0) 20 798813
If you have used the web system, please go to:
You will be asked to enter your access code:
Select the same language option as the option you chose initially.
When using the SpeakUp phone system, you will be asked to press 1 if you already have a case number. To hear your response, press 1 and enter your case number.
When you use the SpeakUp web system, you can select the button 'if you already have a case number', to read the response.
After you have heard your response via the SpeakUp phone system, you can immediately post a new follow-up message; if you need some additional time to think, you can simply hang up and call back another time. This works exactly the same when using the SpeakUp web system: you can post a follow-up message or you can log out and return to the web system at a later instance.
If you notice that a response has not been left for you yet, please be assured that the message is being reviewed and that a response will be available for you in a few working days. It is wise to check for a response regularly.