Health and safety

Working on construction sites continues to be associated with risks. Reducing these risks requires preventive work as well as efforts to strengthen the corporate culture. 

Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
It is important for Bonava to be aware of, assess and manage the risks and hazards that could negatively impact the health and safety of our own staff or that of our subcontractors. We therefore conduct thorough risk assessments at least once a year and ahead of major changes, and in projects before particularly hazardous work is begun. Risk analysis is a part of the basis for decisions in projects and ahead of changes. Risk analyses are always preventive in nature in order to assure the appropriate choice of activities and protective measures for the purpose of reducing the risk level. Contractors are invited to take part in safety inspections and are encouraged to routinely report risks, incidents and accidents. 

Hazards are identified and managed preventively and routinely through risk observation reporting, monitoring of the work environment by the managers responsible, and safety inspections. The hazards are assessed in BIA, Bonava’s system support for health and safety. We consider health and safety reporting to be so important that it comprises part of Bonava’s bonus programme. For purposes of follow-up in this regard, investigations are conducted for the purpose of identifying root causes, and ensuring that measures are taken as a result of accidents and incidents. Incidents are monitored through BIA. We also share information about serious incidents through safety alerts so that all business units can immediately verify that the identified risk does not exist in their operations.

Bonava also applies a tool we call “Time-Out”, which allows people to stop and correct their work in the event of hazardous situations or behaviour. Everyone is encouraged to be observant and, if necessary, to use this approved tool. If a time-out is needed, everyone should take one. Risks and incidents, and serious incidents specifically, are continually reported to both the Executive Management Group and the Board of Directors. Monthly reports are sent out to all Business Unit Presidents.

Work environment 
Health risks such as stress levels and the possibility of recovery are monitored at the company and Group level through the comprehensive Passionate workplace employee survey and accompanying workshops. Occupational health and safety audits and risk assessments are conducted annually for the respective units in parts of the organisation and are monitored at unit meetings during the year. The health and work situation of individual employees is monitored through the performance and development process, using thorough reviews with their immediate supervisor on a quarterly basis and shorter reviews on a monthly basis. In addition, key metrics such as sick leave are monitored on a quarterly basis.

Occupational health and safety management system 
Bonava’s standard for occupational health and safety management systems was developed in accordance with ISO 45001 and contains most of the requirements in the international standard. Bonava’s occupational health and safety management system pertains to the Group’s entire business model from land acquisition, design and production to customer service. When we purchase design and production services from external contractors, their management system applies provided that the terms of the contract and legal requirements are complied with.

Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety 
Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings are held in all business units, with participants representing both the employer and employees. Meetings are held on at least a quarterly basis, in accordance with a set agenda. Occupational health and safety work is addressed in collective agreements in the geographical markets where they exist.

Worker training on occupational health and safety 
Based on role, risk assessment and responsibility, courses in health and safety are mandatory for both our own staff and that of our contractors. A health and safety introduction is provided before entry into Bonava’s construction sites. 

Every year, an Awareness Day is held to train the organisation – including all staff and contractors at construction sites under Bonava’s site management and Bonava’s offices – in increased health and safety.

Promotion of worker health 
Health and wellness, and social health and safety factors, are important focus areas at Bonava, and each business unit has a documented health and wellness programme. As part of this programme, employees are offered health check-ups, and health and wellness are encouraged through group health-promoting activities organised during and outside work hours. For privacy reasons, Bonava avoids storing health-related information about its employees. This is why documents such as doctor’s certificates are managed by payroll contractors, and not by Bonava directly. 

Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships
As part of our supplier requirements, we require that all our suppliers – not just those who will be present at Bonava’s construction sites – engage in systematic occupational health and safety work. Relevant indicators for comparison and monitoring levels are determined based on a risk assessment and purchase volumes. 

High-risk areas that have been identified in Bonava’s operations include work at heights, heavy lifting with cranes and working with heavy machinery. Preventive work is in progress here. The goal is to identify, in the procurement phase, which purchases can be associated with these risks. Requirements concerning a safe work environment that are linked to specific risks will be imposed on suppliers and monitored through collaboration over the course of the work.

Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system
All employees are covered by Bonava’s standard for occupational health and safety management, with possible exceptions for employees in investment projects where the investor’s health and safety requirements may take priority.

Bonava has previously adopted a long-term vision for health and safety, which was revised in 2021 for implementation in 2022 in order to further clarify the importance of proactive efforts to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for everyone – employees and subcontractors – everywhere in Bonava, and to ensure this work is done every day. Simply put: Everyone should go home safe and sound, every day. 

The priority remains preventive health and safety initiatives that are reinforced through further development of the previous Zero Harm programme. This is being replaced with an expanded program for the new target – Healthy and safe workplaces for everyone, everywhere, every day – which is based on the Everyone plans. The focus is now on actively creating conditions for a safe and healthy workplace with clearer ownership in the respective business units.

The same requirements are imposed on subcontractor staff as on our own staff in order to protect health and safety for everyone connected with Bonava’s work sites. Examples of rules that must be followed include securing information on who is permitted entry into the workplaces and ensuring that these people have the correct authorisations, using complete and correct personal protective equipment, and documenting risk assessments prior to hazardous tasks. Safety instructions have been made available in a way that eliminates any potential confusion due to language, for example, through Bonava’s Silent Book, which illustrates safe working methods without using words.

Bonava’s Executive Management Group and Board of Directors continually monitor health and safety performance, including how the aggregate plan is being fulfilled, as well as risks, serious incidents and accidents that have been identified. In addition, the business units are monitored on a monthly basis in the following four areas: compliance with occupational health and safety requirements at construction sites, risk reduction as a result of both preventive and assistance measures, frequency of management/closures of reported risk observations, and incident and accident frequency.

GRI standard for sustainability reporting
Bonava reports for GRI's entire standard from 2018 for Health and Safety, ie the mandatory indicators 403-1 through 403-7, as well as 403-8-7 and 8 and 403-9 and 403-10 Work-related accidents and illness. Bonava also reports the preventive measure of risk observations and incidents.

Incidents are occurrences that could have led to an accident, but did not. The systematic task of identifying and investigating risks and incidents in order to improve routines and working practices to avoid accidents is key to creating safer workplaces. The fact that many risks and incidents are reported is therefore something to encourage.