Policy documents

The key policy document for Bonava’s sustainability work is the Code of Conduct, which clarifies the principles for Bonava’s compliance with the UN Global Compact and the sustainability agenda, and establishes the basis for counteracting discrimination and the Group’s diversity commitments. The Code of Conduct aligns with the sustainability policy, which includes Bonava’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility. The Code of Conduct and all policies are authorised by the Board and revised annually.

Bonava’s supplier requirements apply to all suppliers. In addition, we have Group-wide mandatory instructions with internal, detailed rules that are established by the CEO and apply to all business units. The mandatory instructions govern areas such as work environment, personnel issues, management of reports of violations of the Code of Conduct, various forms of purchasing, travel, motor vehicles, sponsorship, tax, alcohol and drugs, communication and the minimum standard for operational management related to the environment and health and safety. 

Policy document

Sustainability policy

Corporate Goveranance

HR and Health and Safety
